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Friday, January 18, 2013

Allama Qadri's March: Shame on PTV and Some Politicians

I am neither a follower nor a member of Minhaj-ul-Quran, but I support Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri’s worthy agenda. My heart was honoring and aching for the protesters of Allama Qadri’s sit-in as it started to rain. It was dismal and people were trying their best to hang on and not give in to the weather. As I was flipping through the channels, the commentary of PTV caught my attention. The PTV anchor was saying, ‘The rain has further broken down the protesters; they had already begun to get sick and tired of their leader’s tirade. People have started to leave the camp in huge flocks…’. He had cunningly positioned himself at the back entrance from where ‘visitors’ were coming and leaving! He also said, ‘These protesters are mindlessly and irrationally following their leader’s commands who has bewitched them. They are being totally irresponsible for their women and children, not caring for their health and wellbeing’. How can they, sir, with no jobs, money and soaring food prices? It is downright evil how biased and prejudiced humans and job requirements can become, such that one refuses to acknowledge factual miseries and labels honorable struggles as ‘irresponsible behavior’. Shame on PTV. And shame on most of our politicians except Imran Khan. He thought it wiser not to join but he did not bad-mouth him or his March, while some of our other politicians are so immature that they cannot even hide their jealously of a successful stroke by another leader. They come with all kind of garbage which reflects nothing but the shallowness of their own character. If they did not agree with the March, they could have simply said so, that we ‘disagree’, but to call it unconstitutional while you did the same only three years ago, and to call it a circus and what not, only makes you yourself a clown in the public eye.

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