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Monday, May 29, 2023

Send Dr. Aafia Siddiqui Home with Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui

‘In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful’

Dear Everyone,

Asalamo Alykum,

This is indeed a great occasion whence Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui, sister of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, upon the initiative of British attorney and human rights activist Clive Stafford Smith along with the Pakistani Senator Mushtaq Ahmad, are visiting America to meet Dr. Aafia Siddiqui in a terribly long period of twenty years.

I urge all of you to use your respective positions of power to talk to the President of America, Government of America, anyone representing America, and request for an executive order for the immediate repatriation of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui back to Pakistan.

Let Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui return home with her sister … Amen !


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Background of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s case …

Dr. Aafia Siddiqui is a Pakistani national who graduated with honors from two of America’s greatest universities, MIT and Brandies University. Professor Noam Chomsky would be a great reference for her.

Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was abducted from outside her home along with her three children from Karachi, Pakistan on 30th March 2003.

She was first kept in Bagram Jail, Afghanistan, which is a men’s only jail and upon discovery shifted to FMC Jail in USA. She was sentenced to 86 years of imprisonment in 2010 and has been in solitary confinement since. The last she talked to her family was in 2016.

British journalist Yvonne Ridley and Pakistani leader Imran Khan have made great efforts for her release over the years and may be contacted as to why Dr. Aafia’s freedom has not been successful so far …

Ironically, she was never convicted for terrorism charges although she was picked up on the pretext of the 9/11 attack. She is a victim of the post 9/11 crackdown in which many innocents got indicted too.

She has been subjected to physical, mental, emotional and sexual torture of the worst kind. Its been 20 years now !

The 20th alleged attacker of the 9/11 attack, Mohammad Mani A. Al’Qahtani, has been sent home to Saudi Arabia to get psychiatric treatment. Aafia was not even convicted for 9/11.

Then why not Aafia ?

It should be in the interest of everybody to undo a wrong, no matter how long ago it was !


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