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Friday, December 23, 2011

Rubbish Democracy

I completely fail to understand this mantra about continuing democracy at all costs. What rubbish! Why should democracy continue if the current democratic setup has proved itself to be corrupt beyond repair? Not only that, but after the Memogate Treason, it has proved to be traitorous as well. I do not want such a rubbish democracy. For all I care, it can go out of the window today.

1 comment:

  1. 34 years out of 64 go to military rule in Pakistan. The democracy in between is almost always influenced by military establishment (present govt. is a supreme example of that.). Our foreign as well as defense policies are dictated by military rulers. We have never given democracy a fair share of space to grow. Seems like we have never tasted it in its true sense. Isn't it so?
