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Thursday, September 28, 2023


Subject : Investigate the Death of Ammar Imad in Pakistan

‘In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful’

Asalamo Alykum,

Ammar Imad, son of Ibad Farooq, died on 18th September 2023 at the age of nine because of severe anxiety, depression and stress incurred due to the arrest of his father in connection with the False Flag Operation of 9th May 2023.

The False Flag Operation 2023 is an event in a series of events happening in Pakistan since the Regime Change Operation that surfaced on 9th April 2022, when PM Imran Khan’s government was toppled by an international conspiracy in concoction with the local establishment and opposition politicians, initiated by the infamous cipher communicated to Pakistan by American diplomat Donald Lu.

The orders were to eliminate PM Imran Khan from the politics of Pakistan because he refused to be a puppet politician willing to do the bidding of America. What they did not anticipate was the massive protest that happened in response, national and international. So the next plan became to eliminate his political party, Pakistan Tehreek’e Insaf PTI, and his supporters, which are the vast majority of Pakistan.

To achieve this, they conducted a False Flag Operation on 9th May 2023, whence they illegally and violently arrested Imran Khan from the premises of the Islamabad High Court, on purpose, to agitate the masses, who naturally came out to protest. They did not even care that Matric and Cambridge exams all over the country would be affected. And they did get affected. Two exams per board got cancelled.

The establishment placed their own touts on the roads among protesters to become part of them and lead the protesters towards multiple locations. The touts vandalized the locations themselves and incited the public to do so too. All this became an excuse to arrest PTI supporters, across the board, protesters, non-protesters, violent, non-violent, active, non-active … inclusive of women and children. The top and second tier leadership of PTI has been dismantled via bribe, blackmail, aggression, even by rape threats to the women and death threats to the children of the family. Alia Hamza, a senior leader of PTI, turned herself in for arrest when they put the gun to her ten-year-old daughter !

Ibad Farooq was similarly arrested. Worse, his father, mother and wife were also arrested. The police, who have become goons nowadays in Pakistan, raided their home multiple times, in the middle of the night, and would create a scene of havoc and terror. What more did they want after the arrest ? The demand is simple. Disown PTI and further, claim an allegation upon Imran Khan that he instigated the PTI members and supporters to attack military installations, which actually the establishment did themselves did as part of the plan to frame, defame and ban PTI. The False Flag Operation of 9th May 2023 has become exposed by the media, analysts … even analysts across the borders, like Major ABC.

Coming back to Ammar Ibad, basically he was terrorized by the police raids, multiple raids and night raids that took place in his home. Seeing his parents and grandparents being beaten and taken away by the police was a big trauma for him. He was a brilliant student in an American school in Lahore but his teacher says that in the exams that he gave in May 2023, he was unable to write anything except write Baba Baba Baba all over his paper. ‘Baba’ is Urdu for ‘Dad’ in English. The trauma overtook his senses and he stopped functioning as a normal child. His videos of before and after are heart wrenching. The sick irony is that the propagandist in Pakistan are saying he was never a normal child which is an absolute lie. And he is not the first child who has been terrorized and has faced death as a consequence.

Ammar Ibad was even denied the right to meet his father. When things got out of hand, the father was allowed to see his son on his deathbed for fifteen minutes. Moreover, Ammar was forcibly discharged from his first hospital and no other hospital would admit him due to the political stigma attached to him. As of now, the entire media, judiciary and institutes are being lead at gun point against PTI. The establishment has become the You-Know-Who of the society from the Harry Potter world.

And when Ammar died, his father was allowed to attend the funeral only for fifteen minutes and not allowed to share the sorrow with his family. Right now, Ammar’s mother is following Ammar’s condition of depression and anxiety. Ammar’s elder brother, aged eleven, has given a statement that once their father is back, they will leave Pakistan forever never to return. This is how they are persecuting and expelling PTI supporters from Pakistan to manage the upcoming elections.

As a footnote, I would like to mention here the plight of the Missing Persons, which has been a phenomena in Pakistan actively since 9/11. There are countless children like Ammar, whose fathers are missing, who miss their fathers and are living in depression, poverty and uncertainty. They do not know if they will ever see their fathers. They don’t even know whether their fathers are alive or not.

Plus, the infamous case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, who was abducted along with her children from Pakistan, twenty years ago. Her six month-old baby is missing to date and her elder two children have grown up without their mother. She, the mother is still languishing in the American jail with a ridiculous sentence of eighty-six years in prison. Please look into the facts of her case which is being advocated by the British attorney Clive Stafford Smith.

I urgently implore the United Nations Human Rights Commission to setup an inquiry committee as to what is happening in Pakistan since 9th April 2022. Countless homes have been vandalized, countless people have been tortured and countless lives have been put to death. Let not the death of Ammar Ibad be in vain. The killers must be identified and put to the death penalty. Else this persecution will not stop, as basically it is a war between the establishment and democracy. Pakistan needs immediate, UN supervised, EVM powered, overseas inclusive, elections. Can UN do it ?


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